dip dog dug dye ear eat egg end fad fan
too top toy tug two use van vet war way
lay let lip log lot low mad man map mar
pay pen pet pin pip pop pot ran rap rat
nip not now nun off one ore own pan pat
due few fur jam oil put set tea was why
gun had hat hay hen her him hip hot how
sow soy sun tan tap tar ten the tin tip
yet ewe arc its fed inn mix hoe nor sir
hug jar jet job jog jot joy jug kin lap
all and are arm bad bar bat bay bee bet
mat may men met mop mow mud mug net new
wet win wow you zip ago aim ask buy cut
car cat cop cot cow coy dad den dew die
far fat fee fin fix fog for fun get got
saw say sea see sew she sin sip sit six
ton wit woe vat apt awe ban err foe vow
big bit bow box boy bud bug bun but can
ray red rip rot row rub rug run sad sat