Hugh has just taken a lead in a race
Here are the things that she sent to Nan;
R. D. Roth has used ed. for editor;
aLa aLa aLa aLa aJa aJa aKa aKa aLa aLa
He His Ned Nan Jan Nate Jake Is Lee Ned I
aHa aHa aIa aIa aOa aOa aNa aNa aNa aHa
Walt will go to Rio on a golf tour with
Dr. Rowe received his Ph.D. in Tulsa, OK.
Ali lost to Ron; Cal lost to Elsa;
He asked Jan to send the letter to Kari;
Dodi will ask if Willa went to Town
He is; Hal sat; Nan gets; Is it; Jake is;
Dori can find her there.
Wilf left the show for which he won a
I think I need an O; an H; an L; and a K;
Wes said Ed Rowan got and Ed.D. degree
A; A; Al; Al; Cal Cal; Ali or Flo;
Tina has left for Tucson;