To fix; am lax; mix it; may fix; six men;
By am end fix men box hem but six now cut
A cud; a cur; to cut; the cue; the cure;
Me ox am ax ma jam six ham mix fox men
Cud cud cut cuts cur curs cue cues duck
Dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd
cab cob crib clam much cost cast computer
Bob brought the cat and the dog to school.
She did not like to eat hamburgers
One of the men will be able to sing now.
Am to; if me; ;a man; a yam; a ham;
most meet team same mail man comb con car
A cod; a cog; the ice; she can; the dock;
bib bit bid rib bad book bob rob sob bow
Where is the crab soup that he cooked.
Mj mj me me me may may yam yam dam dam
mom mud mam jam more time mow mad met mat
He did bring his lunch to the game.
Cd cd cod cod ice ice can can code code
beat beam bell ball bowl bad brim better
dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd dcd
J j mj mj am am am me me ma ma jam jam
cod cup cut cow can cat tack call cot cell
Right now is the time to finish the job.
be bet cram crab cab mince crime can munch