To fix and cut for work and such big firm
By am end fix men box hem but six now cut
J j yj yj jay jay lay lay hay hay day day
Yj yj jay jay eye eye dye dye yes yes yet
J. D. and Max will go by boat to St.
Jay went by bus to the store to buy the
the quick brown fox jumped over the queen.
The yearly quote is one sax and two aqua
year yam you yard yes jay ray say
By by buy buy boy boy bye bye byte byte
To fix; am lax; mix it; may fix; six men;
I was quick to quote the girls with a
A jay; to say; an eye; he says; dye it;
me he she it our we can go no on they were
Xs xs sx sx ox ox six six nix nix fix fix
I can pay it. He can pay for it. She can.
Mrs. Dixon may take her Ed.D. exam
quilt quote quits quench squall squid
Me ox am ax ma jam six ham mix fox men
S s xs xs ox ox ax ax six six fix fix fox
By bye boy buy yes fib dye bit yet but
joy jay yoyo you your yes yet year yum
quit quite quill quip queen quiet equip
Lex may send a box c.o.d. to Ms. Fox
The expert took an axe and you said yes.
A fox; an ox; fix it; by six; is lax;
vex axe six jinx box hex fox tax wax
sly fly try stay bay day way pay may
axe lax sax tax exit next oxen mix
By it; to buy; by you; a bute; the buoy;
is it in for the and or for this why when
aqua quit quip quiet queen quick quirt
Yes, the tax men did your taxes quickly.
he boxed six oxen in the yard.
Mala can mix a ham salad for six;
hex flex next fox fax fix six box ox