picture pioneer place-name plant Pledge
building calendar camel caravan cause
society song soup kitchen state steam
prairie present press printing radio
Christopher Columbus city colonial colony
farm festival heroism folk hero folktale
government group harvest history holiday
recent past recreation region regional
independence individual rights invention
telegraph temple territory Thanksgiving
Thomas Jefferson time timeline tool town
1776 Abraham Lincoln America American
engine steamship surplus food symbol tall
Fourth of July freedom future generation
common good community country cowboy crop
geography George Washington goods
Native American newcomer non-motorized
Liberty Bell life lifestyle local history
celebration ceremony chariot Christmas
home services houses of worship housing
job journey law leader legend liberty
responsibility revolution role rules
event expansion explorer fable family
Memorial Day middle money monument myth
dance democracy disagreement domesticated
evidence argument automobile beginning
human rights hunger hunter/gatherer idea
tale system team member technology
nation national flag national holiday
religion resistance respect for others
Martin Luther King, Jr. membership
Revolution ancient time archeological
cultivation cultural tradition daily life
Benjamin Franklin bow and arrow bridge
trade trail transportation travel vehicle
of Allegiance Plymouth pony express
satellite sculpture senior citizen
animal education England English equality
oral tradition origin past photograph