nat nan den fan land hand sand fan tan
jag hag lag leg glad gas gag sag egg leg
He he if if all fir fir jar far rid rid
the lads asked the king at the east gate
fin din sin gin kin sit lit kit hit fit
A fir; if her; a fire; is fair; his ire;
she said he needs his kind
If if is is he he did did fir fir jak jak
A kid; a lie; if he; he did; his aide;
a tall tale; a keen knight; a fine sight
kit sit fit fist kid it lit hid hill fill
Ik ik if if is is kid kid his his lie lie
Fir fir rid rid sir sir ire ire fire fire
sealing dealing keeling kneeling healing
the then these this that thin than think
if it is in the its a in at is it the then
he felt he needed the things at the sale
A fir; is rid; is red; his ire; her kid;
tin sing kind king hint shine gain tag
he had a kite; sing a little;
gang fang hang sang gang fang hang sang
fail sail jail laid hail tail nail fail
he has a fish;
night sight light fight height night light
he is a fine dad;
is the; in the; if the; let the; see the;
Fir fir rid rid sir sir kid kid ire ire