5 Best Methods to Gain Mastery in Typing

Being able to type on the computer keyboard in the quickest possible time with accuracy is an essential skill in today’s digital world. Most academic and professional works now require computer proficiency in which typing is a crucial part thereof. From encoding of documents to researching topics for publication – all these would involve some typing. And so, imagine if you can’t do this in a quick manner. You’d surely spend long hours on the task which would normally require a few minutes for the experts. That’s an unfortunate event for most neophytes.

It is, then, important to focus on developing mastery of computer skills – and typing is one. You can enroll in online typing programs that are primarily intended for improving the typing skills of any individual. In the course of your study, you’ll be facilitated and given the resources in the modes of fun and exciting activities. You’ll surely enjoy that. But at this stage where you still probably think of joining a program, you might find it helpful to refer to the following methods that can help you decide and eventually get into the hands-on experience of mastery:

Establish Effective Typing Habits Suited to You

Some people have learned to master the keyboard on their own – no formal training whatsoever. It’s basic, after all. But there’s the correct way and wrong way of doing the job. If you do it wrong, you can’t achieve optimum speed and accuracy, plus you’ll probably experience some strain on your hands. This possible downside of self-learning gives reason for investing in formal study and training. What’s a small amount of money to learn the correct way of typing. Right? Nevertheless, you can establish typing habits that suit your hand movements – that which you’re most comfortable with, even though that may not be correct at all in the context of formal training. That’s just a good option if you so set aside going into formal training for this purpose.

Learn to Use All Your Fingers in Typing

Proper placement of each finger on the keyboard is important. You’ll learn about this when you enroll in a formal training course. Through activities intended for practice, you can develop quick typing speed and be able to type with ease. To give you the salient points on this subject, it is recommended that you focus on the F key and J key as this will help you find the correct finger placement. Ideally, these are the keys where your index fingers should rest, while all others fall into place. You’ll gain the mastery of typing as you get used to the correct finger placement and movement on a regular basis of doing the task.

Practice Touch Typing Regularly

Touch typing means having to type letters without looking onto the keyboard. You may not be able to do this initially, but as you continuously do the typing, you’ll develop a memory of your finger movement. Seasoned typists have once started as beginners, and they can tell you that looking at the keyboard simply slows them down. But of course, to get to that level of mastery, you need to practice. Start this by typing letters, and as you go along the process, you have to remember the position of each letter. In the event you forgot the position of the letter, it’s normal to sneak on the keyboard. As part of the practice though, you need to practice typing without looking until you finally master touch typing.

Memorize Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows and Mac OS have their own keyboard shortcuts. Regardless of which system you use, it is a proven strategy for quick and accurate typing to memorize as many keyboard shortcuts as possible. The reason is this: Why do you still have to use the mouse and click for tabs if you can command the computer with shortcuts? That’s obvious. In typing, this will make the whole task simpler and quicker. It will save you time and effort. You can refer to online resources to familiarize yourself with basic keyboard shortcuts. Then once you memorized each one, make it part of your practice to apply them.

Make Use of Apps or Online Programs

There are now many apps and online programs that you can use for typing practice and eventually gain mastery. You can download some for free, while others may require some fees. For online tutorials – which can be more ideal – you can access many resources to teach you everything needed for quick and accurate typing. They use fun activities, too, so the process of learning won’t bore you. Kids and adults alike are encouraged to have this option tried to elevate their level from beginner to amateur to expert. It’s an advantage in the workplace and in school.

Once you gain mastery in typing, you’ll be able to increase work efficiency or academic performance as well. That’s the reward that would make your learning and practice all worthwhile.

Benefits of Downloading Language Exchange Apps

If you love to travel, you know that the best way to experience the culture and the community is to learn their language. But spending money on foreign language classes can be daunting and time-consuming, and there’s only so much a class can teach you. This is how language exchange apps can help you.

What is a language exchange?

Language exchange is a learning language method focused on the experience of shared language by learning partners who are speakers of different languages. This is normally accomplished by two native speakers who teach each other their native language.

Language exchange apps help connect you with native speakers worldwide to help you learn more about the language you’re aiming for. The point of learning a language is to express yourself with ease, and while proper classes can help with formal communication, it does make a difference when you can speak like a local.

But there is more to language exchange apps than just learning a new language. Whether from a language exchange app or from online English courses, here are other ways language exchange apps can benefit you.

It builds your confidence.

Learning how to speak a new language can be very nerve-wracking. The idea of making a mistake can be off-putting to some individuals. This is why most people are wary of taking a formal class. When your mistakes are graded, it can put unnecessary pressure on students to make fewer mistakes, and that unnecessary pressure discourages people from learning new languages.

When you download a language exchange app, it connects you with a partner who wants to learn your language. Since both of you are on equal footing as novices in a new language, it takes away that awkwardness and fear of making mistakes. There are no grades involved, just two people from different parts of the globe trying to learn from each other.

This is especially helpful for people who want to learn English as a second language. While it is widely spoken in most of the world, English is known to be the hardest one of the languages to learn. English courses online are helpful, but there is a difference when you learn from a class, and you learn from a friend. Your new-found friends also help you on how to improve pronunciation skills in English.

Make friends easier!

Speaking of friends, because language exchange apps connect you with people all across the world aiming for the same goal, it’s not hard to find a friend. The best language exchange apps offer a one-on-one connection with another person, and that intimate connection can blossom into a long-term friendship.

Since there is much emphasis on individual work such as exams, assignments, and graded recitations, English courses online can often feel very isolating and lonely. Downloading a language exchange app connects you with native speakers to help you engage in a casual learning experience unique to this medium.

Have a better learning experience!

Learning verb tenses, vocabulary, and making passages are important when trying to learn a new language. But either done alone or in a class, it can feel dull, boring, and uninteresting. Because both you and your language exchange partner aim to learn from each other, and there are no grades or exams to pressure you, both learnings become a fun experience. 

There is a dynamic sense of learning a new language when you engage in an actual conversation with a native speaker rather than just reading words off a page. And because you’re learning a new language with a friend, there is a safe learning environment where you can comfortably grow and explore without fear of making mistakes.

Think back to when you started learning how to speak your mother tongue. Did you learn how to speak it through a book or an exam? Didn’t you learn how to speak the language through constant practice through conversation? The same is true for learning a new language. Language exchange apps are the best way on how to improve pronunciation skills in English.

Learn new cultures.

Language is one way a culture manifests itself, and when you learn a language, you are inadvertently engaging in a new culture. As you interact more with your partner, both of you act as representatives of each other’s cultures, and you offer each other a window into each other’s customs and traditions.

Not only are you engaging in a language exchange but also a cultural exchange of sorts. The best language exchange apps connect you to a wider world to experience their culture as you learn their language. In addition, it’s also a way for you to figure out how to improve pronunciation skills in English.

Finding The Right Partner

To make the most out of your language exchange experience, it is key that you find the right language exchange partner for you. This makes learning the language less intimidating and better for both of you. This may take some time and effort, but some of the best language exchange apps facilitate this leg of the journey for you.

While English online courses are helpful to some degree, language exchange apps are a great supplement to learn languages and cultures from a safe and comfortable environment free from judgment and fear. Learning a new language is not easy, and we hope that by getting a new friend along the way and seeing the practicality of your lessons, we can make this process easier for you.

The Best Online Educational Games For Kids

The digital age has transformed almost everything, even the way how kids play nowadays. Gone are the days where kids jump and run around the block playing tag, leapfrog, and hopscotch. Children of this new generation glue themselves to their mobile devices. They love to watch their shows and play online games in their free time. 

Technological advancements are quick, but kids adapt to these changes faster and without any trouble. They are born into an era where everything is finding a way to be digital to keep up with the trends. 

They take their technology with them every hour of the day and even before sleeping to catch those late-night cartoons. Most parents will see this as a hindrance to their education, but this can also be advantageous for their generation.

Kids are fast learners, and with a lot of practice and support from their parents, they’ll learn a ton of skills that they can use to enhance their daily lives in no time. The fantastic idea is to combine learning and fun through online educational games that are readily accessible for your child. 

Here are the best online educational games that are fun and interactive for your child to learn and improve their skills. These sites are also free and readily accessible whenever your child wants to have a fun learning experience.


You can start your kids with reading. This skill is essential as it will help your child develop better as they grow as adults. It is also a requirement for some schools and institutions to accept enrollees who can read or have any reading foundation for them to teach the child. 

Ever notice yourself speaking or reciting the words you read in your mind? Reading and understanding language is closely related because it also prepares them to build their reading comprehension while developing their vocabulary. 

The more they build their foundations of reading and language, the easier it is for them to communicate to the world as they grow older. PBSkids.org is an excellent and interactive platform filled with educational games that let your child choose any game they want and have fun reading classes while having their playtime and rest.


Since this new technology age is continuing to progress, most schools and institutions migrate to a more advanced and digital learning approach.  This migration is an excellent opportunity for this new generation of kids to use this as an advantage more inclined to the internet and technological devices.

Even though technology has been progressing fast in recent years, typing skills have been around since the people invented the first typewriter in the late 1800s. Millenniums passed, and typing remains an essential skill, even more so today. 

Children should learn how to type in their early years to adapt and practice the correct typing methods throughout their school years and into their future careers. 

This young age is when they will need TypeDojo.com to help them build the right base for their typing techniques. This website has easy to comprehend lessons and games perfect for learning how to type. 

Parents can also sign up for their children so that they can monitor their child’s progress in typing and even have them take interactive typing tests that will gauge their child’s typing competency and know what level they can start. 

Not only are they playing, but they are also learning and achieving while taking typing tests. Type Dojo grants a certificate for when a child completes a test. This certificate will surely excite your child and motivate them to continue typing and leaning.


Let’s move on to Maths! If a child struggles with the basic math equations, this may be because they can’t visualize the equation; therefore, they are unable to solve it. If children get the visual stimuli they need, they will understand it more and have the right mindset to develop their skills. 

Another interactive and educational platform that specializes in developing a child’s intelligence and academic abilities is Mathgames.com. They have various levels and specializations based on your child’s math knowledge and how they can progress to more complicated equations. 

You can help your kid enhance their math-solving capabilities while enjoying the colorful and kid-friendly graphics that will boost their enthusiasm for learning math. Not only will they be playing math games, but they also provide worksheets that can help parents track the progress of their children through these exercises. 

Key Points

The digital age is a fantastic time for your children to learn and become educated through the help of parents like you who want their child to have fun while learning. 

Children need a lot of support when it comes to learning a new set of skills as their brains have not yet fully developed, and with the help of these online educational games, they will be equipped and prepared for their future. 

Fun Learning Activities For Kids

A child had an attention span of three to five minutes based on the year of the child’s age. So if a child is already four years old, then that would change to twelve to twenty minutes, which is short compared to the number of hours people expect a child to learn in class or at home. Kids need constant stimulation in their imaginations to catch their attention for them to learn and further enhance their skills. 

The current digital age only made it harder for children to focus and for teachers and parents to catch the child’s attention. There are many visual presentations in their technological devices made specifically appealing and eye-catching to children. Nowadays, it is a challenge for them to keep their attention. Parents should support and train their children to develop longer attention spans to benefit them in the long run. 

There are many ways parents and teachers can keep the children’s attention, and one vital element is fun. When an activity is fun, interactive, and immersive, the child will concentrate more and give their full attention to what they are doing. 

Learning should not include a book, a pencil, and a notebook. It can be a fun experience that will let your child enjoy while they acquire academic knowledge and essential life lessons for their growth. If you are a parent looking for ways to make learning more enjoyable for your child, then here are some learning activities that will help you. 

Hands-On Exercises

Children are progressing as they age, and one of their crucial progress is in their hands. According to Healthline.com, kids develop two skills as they age: fine and gross motor skills. 

Fine Motor Skills: Movement in the hands, wrists, and fingers or the smaller muscle groups that enable a child to grasp and hold through the use of their hands.

Gross Motor Skills: Movement in the arms and legs that or the large muscle groups allows babies and toddlers to move by sitting, standing, crawling, and walking.

13 Fun Construction Activities for Kids + Printables | BigRentz

Children usually develop these motor skills at their first to the second month and add more as they age. Kids develop these skills at different paces and in various ways. Parents need to introduce activities that will let them use their motor skills to learn how to walk, grasp, and use their hands.  Fun examples of hands-on activities are clay modeling and building blocks activities.

Educational Games

Of course, you can also venture into enjoyable games that can also become a learning experience for your child. There are numerous accessible online games that you can introduce to your child. Whatever the subject or topic you might your child to focus on can be found on the internet. Does your child want to improve their academic math abilities, reading comprehension skills, or fine motor skills to be useful if they choose online learning? 

An excellent way for your child to start learning online is to have some knowledge about their mobile and technological devices. How about allowing them to learn how to type correctly through interactive and immersive typing games that will help them develop their typing abilities and improve their motor skills. Typedojo.com is one of the best online educational tools for typing that teaches the child the proper techniques while ensuring they have fun while learning. They have an eye-catching interface that keeps your child’s attention and will motivate them to keep practicing and applying the typing techniques. 

10 Sites and Games to Teach Kids Typing the Fun Way | MakeUseOf

It also can allow parents and teachers to monitor the child’s typing progress within the website when they register an account. These games are great for your child’s further growth and their knowledge of technological devices. As most kids are now accessing the internet at a young age, it is still essential for them to monitor their activities and ensure that their child is safe and protected.

Arts and Crafts Projects

Introduce more visual activities to enhance your child’s visual perception and visual memory. How about mixing it up and adding more visual-centered and interactive activities like arts and crafts that will help boost your child’s imagination while exploring their creativity. There are many creative art projects that you can try together and enjoy doing with your child anytime in your home. 

12 Ideas for Keeping Kids Entertained During Quarantine | Moving.com

How about making a visual memory card game. All you need is some paper, pictures, coloring pens, crayons, scissors, and glue. It is up to you and your child how you want it to look. Make sure you have two copies of images to match once you start your activity. This activity will not only enhance your child’s creativity but also helps them boost their memory that they can further use in their academic learning and for their interpersonal experiences.